Friday, May 9, 2014


*Nimitz-commander of ther United States Navy in the Pacific, planned operations against Japanese navy, wanted to use the aircraft carriers against japan
*MacArthur- commander of the Philippines station for America, had Filipinos and Americans entreat to Bataan peninsula when attached by Japanese, 3 months later going to Australia under FDR's word

*Bataan- the peninsula where the American and Filipinos retreated to, surrendering about 4 months later after Pearl Harbor, 78,000 soldiers forced to walk 65 miles
*Doolittle raid- commander of the mission to bomb japan, 16 plains flew to Tokyo and dropped bombs on it 

*Coral Sea-America intercepted the Japanese attempt to attack New Guinea, japan sunkLexington and damaged the Yorktown ship drastically, but US won battle
*Midway-japan attacked Midway june 4, 1942, but was intercepted by antiaircraft fire and many planes shot down too. Second round burning aircraft and/sinking Japanese
Afrika Korps- German forces in the German area, commanded by General Erwin Rommel

Erwin Rommel- commander of the Afrika Corps, nickname Desert Fox, brilliant leader
El Alamein-battle General Rommel had to retreat from
Patton- General of American forces captured Casablanca city
Casablanca- city captured by General George Patton
Kassarine Pass- Americans outnumbered and outfought by the Germans, 7,000 casualties, 200 tanks were lost
Convoy System-a system in which. Enchant ships travel with naval vessels for protection
Stalingrad- city that controlled the Volga River and major railroad junction, Germans wanted to capture city to stop Russia and Ukraine from getting trade and sources  

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