Friday, May 9, 2014

"A Fierce Green Fire"

"A Fierce Green Fire" is a documentary about the massive environmental shift of the mid-late 20th century. It shows how the 1970's were a time when people were starting to realize their impact on earth and started to be mindful of their actions. Soon they realized the need for change; mutations and different diseases plagued innocent civilians and animals in their habitats. People became aware they need to be more careful of the environment. The movie gets an in depth looks at activism and people doing everything in their power to make progress towards a safer and healthier world. The movie discusses many of the previously unknown environmental hazards, like the Love Canal. Though it was tough, people realized if they came together they would be able to shift the course of history.

Japan ordered to immediately stop whaling in Antarctic as International Court of Justice rules program was not carried out for scientific purposes. The International Court of Justice (ICJ) has ruled Japan must immediately stop its whaling program in the Antarctic.

A Greenpeace investigation has revealed that the European Union (EU) is actively subsidizing fishing operations in Spain and other places that are massively overfishing, and that have a history of bypassing regulatory protocols designed to protect fish stocks -- and the European authority is subsidizing this travesty with the use of taxpayer funds.


*Nimitz-commander of ther United States Navy in the Pacific, planned operations against Japanese navy, wanted to use the aircraft carriers against japan
*MacArthur- commander of the Philippines station for America, had Filipinos and Americans entreat to Bataan peninsula when attached by Japanese, 3 months later going to Australia under FDR's word

*Bataan- the peninsula where the American and Filipinos retreated to, surrendering about 4 months later after Pearl Harbor, 78,000 soldiers forced to walk 65 miles
*Doolittle raid- commander of the mission to bomb japan, 16 plains flew to Tokyo and dropped bombs on it 

*Coral Sea-America intercepted the Japanese attempt to attack New Guinea, japan sunkLexington and damaged the Yorktown ship drastically, but US won battle
*Midway-japan attacked Midway june 4, 1942, but was intercepted by antiaircraft fire and many planes shot down too. Second round burning aircraft and/sinking Japanese
Afrika Korps- German forces in the German area, commanded by General Erwin Rommel

Erwin Rommel- commander of the Afrika Corps, nickname Desert Fox, brilliant leader
El Alamein-battle General Rommel had to retreat from
Patton- General of American forces captured Casablanca city
Casablanca- city captured by General George Patton
Kassarine Pass- Americans outnumbered and outfought by the Germans, 7,000 casualties, 200 tanks were lost
Convoy System-a system in which. Enchant ships travel with naval vessels for protection
Stalingrad- city that controlled the Volga River and major railroad junction, Germans wanted to capture city to stop Russia and Ukraine from getting trade and sources